Spend LESS Time on Your Job Search

The longest it ever took me to complete an online application was 2 hours.

Full disclosure, it wasn’t my application. At the time, I was working in the career services department at a college. I was assisting a soon-to-be graduate with an online application for a well-known pharmacy chain.

I can’t remember exactly how many pages we went through before we finally reached the end, but it was more than 30. I remember thinking to myself, “Holy crap, I’m so glad they’re paying me to do this right now.”

Granted, most online applications don’t take 2 hours – but some do. From my own personal experience, most average from 5-10 minutes to up to an hour.

At this point, searching for a job IS a job – and most serious job seekers can expect to spend a large chunk of time doing it.

And the problem isn’t getting any better. The entire application process is taking longer than ever. So, the smart job seeker needs to adapt. Utilize every resource available to you, and cultivate resources of your own.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t fret! I’ve put together a list of vital ways that you can better prepare yourself and spend less time on your job search!


Think about it – most online applications ask you to provide the same general information, right? So work smarter instead of harder!

Create a reference document that includes the entirety of your work and education and career history. Include all accomplishments, important projects, awards and recognitions, promotions, etc.

This may take some time in the beginning, but if you continue to update this document as you move through your career, it will be well worth the effort!

With all of that information compiled in one place, you can just copy and paste for each new job application. This will take MINUTES off of the time it takes you to complete each individual application, which really adds up!


Many online job boards offer helpful services like “Job Alert” emails that will give you daily or weekly updates on new open positions that match your preferences.

Use these alerts to your advantage! During the early stages of your job search, create your profile, set your search criteria, and sign up for job alert emails. This will take TONS of time off of your job search, and let you focus on the jobs that interest you most!


Your LinkedIn profile can be a huge source of leads in your job search. According to U.S. News, 95% of recruiters utilize LinkedIn. LinkedIn statistics show that there are currently over 30 million companies and 20 million open jobs on LinkedIn, and Wired.com states that more than 16,000 clients and companies, like Google and Facebook, use the LinkedIn Recruiter tool.

In fact, a recent Jobvite Job Seeker Nation Study, stated that 94% of recruiters are actively using LinkedIn.

If you’re feeling a little lost when it comes to understanding the LinkedIn search algorithm, don’t worry! There is a lot to it – more than I know, and I’ve gone through training!

If you want to do some independent research start HERE

One thing I can tell you is to make sure your profile is thoroughly completed – the more text you include in each section, the higher you will rank in search results for recruiters and hiring managers.

Get your other social media profiles in order, too. Scour them to get rid of any less-than-professional images or associations. You don’t have to censor yourself “Big Brother” style – but you probably shouldn’t have any drunk selfies or drug references on any of your pages.

In other words – be smart about keeping your Social profiles professional.



Networking is considered to be the most effective way to find a job, but it’s also probably one of the least-liked parts for many job seekers. However, it is a very important skill which needs to be practiced in order to be developed.

Networking can be intimidating, uncomfortable, and awkward.

Putting yourself out there and expending that kind of energy seems exhausting, especially if you don’t fully understand or value the return on your investment.

80% of jobs never get posted and are only found through networking. So, if you put the time and effort into it, the return can be incredibly high. Effective networkers will build relationships that last a lifetime – or at least a career lifetime! And don’t forget to ask for help if and when you need it! Your network of connections can be an incredibly valuable resource.

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