Professional Progressions: Information

I started Professional Progressions as a way to provide members of the community with direct access to affordable, personalized assistance with resumes, interviewing, and other job search skills which are vital to survival and advancement in the workforce.

Professional Progressions began as Elgar Resumes, a business specializing in resumes for Texas Band Directors. It quickly grew into a more generalized resume service called Professional Affordable Resumes. I have now finalized the business plan and functions, and have re-named it Professional Progressions Consulting.


I have been in the Career Services field since May of 2012, and have had a great deal of success creating professional, eye-catching, and effective resumes for adults in specialized career fields. In the past 2.5 years, my resume writing and career services skills have successfully helped hundreds of unemployed professionals (or those who were employed out of field) achieve new, in-field employment. Several of those hiring employers directly complimented resumes I wrote or with which I assisted.

I also offer interview coaching, career consulting, and LinkedIn profile building. It is my hope to offer enough services to meet the needs of any professional, and to help create a well-reounded candidate for any open job position.

Please take a look around my Website, or visit me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to learn his I can help YOU land your next job!