Is a Cover Letter Really Necessary? (Spoiler Alert: Yes)

Is a Cover Letter Really Necessary?


Success with your job search isn’t solely dependent upon the content of your resume and answers to questions in an interview. Recent statistics show that 40% of recruiters are looking for a cover letter from applicants.


While that may not be a majority, it’s enough to drastically affect your success rate in the application process.


“While writing cover letters is time-consuming, the consensus is that the effort could give you an edge and help you land more interviews.”


Here are some important messages you’re sending by including a well-crafted, targeted cover letter:


  • You are serious about the position.

Writing a cover letter shows, first and foremost, that you care enough about the position to write one. Many applicants don’t, and this simple act will set you apart.


  • You’ve done your research.

84% of recruiters polled in 2016 said that impersonal applications (no hiring manager’s name) would get a resume rejected. Including a cover letter addressed to the hiring manager shows that you know how to go the extra-mile to get the job done.


  • You may be connected.

According to the 2015 Jobvite Recruiter Nation Survey, 78% of recruiters find their best quality hires through referrals. The cover letter is the best place to mention such a connection!


  • You are passionate about the Job.

Resumes don’t allow much room for expressing personality or passion, but cover letters are the perfect place to include the “human element” that hiring managers respond to.


  • You understand the importance of the process.

The cover letter is a formal part of the candidate portfolio, and including it shows that you understand and respect the full process.